Tuesday 27 December 2011

First post!

Hey :)
So Im new to all this blog stuff.
A recent journey in life has led me to start posting a blog and after many people have said to start posting here goes.
I first joined Slimming World in March 2011 and since then have lost over 3stone.
Im now a target member & love life.
As Im only 17 it hasnt been easy doing it and it really does have to be at the front of your mind to succeed.
The plan itself is easy & couldnt have been more flexible.
Staying and attending a group near where I live has been the key to my success.
I first started when it just hit me that I needed to change & something had to be done.
I couldnt believe it when the scales said the starting weight of over 14st.
Soon the weight flew off and in my first week lost just under half a stone and I couldnt believe it.
Still enjoying the odd takeaway and at least a good girls night out a month I am so happy.
Results are amazing and I will post some pictures when I get used to the whole blogging thing.
Let me know if there is a specific thing you want me to post about or let you know about.
Thats just a quick intro.
Hope you enjoyed it :)
Love Tori x


  1. Well done Toriemma. Such a cliche but your blog is so right about enjoying food yet eating properly.And your point about mindfulness is bang on, we need to be more in touch with ourselves, appetite included. Well done honey!

  2. Thank you, if you think of anything I could post about please do let me know :) x
